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What You Need to Know about Tooth Decay 


Personal hygiene includes dental care and of course oral hygiene. This plays an important part of anyone's health and life in general. Oral hygiene is about maintaining the cleanliness and health of your mouth, teeth, gums for prevention of oral diseases such as gingivitis, halitosis disease, tooth cavities, and halitosis disease. Proper hygiene will be able to ward off serious illnesses and will enable you to stay in the pink of health. You can say a person is in its optimal health condition when his or her teeth are white, gums are pink, and their breath is fresh. A dentist can help but oral hygiene is not about the dentist; it starts from you yourself. The following are some helpful tips to help improve one's oral health:

Brushing and flossing

The most basic practice in maintaining oral hygiene is to brush your teeth regularly. Brushing your teeth twice a day is a practical means of preventing oral conditions since it remove plaque and it also avoids tartar formation. It's important to brush the teeth after each meal and before bedtime. It is also best to use toothpaste that has fluoride to prevent cavities from damaging your teeth. It's also important to brush the tongue since this will help get rid of mouth-borne bacteria. It's better to use a softhead brush to prevent the tooth enamel from being irritated.

One other oral hygiene practice to consider is to floss regularly. Flossing every after meal helps to remove food debris or any plaque that's left on your teeth. This also helps in freshening your breath. You have to floss the inner areas of the teeth and make sure that you won't hurt your gums in the process. You can ask your dentist if it is dental tap or dental floss that you should use. A mouthwash can also help in maintaining oral health. Make sure to gargle after each meal. Find out for further details right here


Healthy diet

Food choices, diet, and lifestyle can influence oral hygiene. A good diet can be instrumental for having healthy teeth and gums as well as overall health. You have to avoid foods that are high in sugar content such as sodas, canned juices, sweetened teas, etc. it's important to drink lots of water for oral hygiene maintenance. It's healthy to eat fruits and vegetables, grains and chicken. It's not good to drink too much acidic drinks since they can cause enamel and tooth decay. You can click this link for more great tips! 

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